Sunday, August 28, 2011

Help me in this Economy!!!

“You should trade for business, not personal use”

The reason most people are in business is to provide a living for themselves and their families as well as to enrich their personal lives. Income earned from the business may be spent as the owner sees fit. This may mean buying more inventory, improving the shop, more advertising and so on. The options are many and vary from time to time.

Let’s take a look at the real world. When the businessperson sells his product, does he allocate the income from the sale to a specific item?

“I guess I will buy envelops with this money”.

Does he set aside the income from the next sale for shoes for his son?

Obviously,  no. All of the income goes into his account which he takes out to buy goods and services that he needs for his business and for his personal life. He makes the decisions on purchases whether they are business or personal. This means that he must establish priorities but taking care of his personal business must be high on the list.

If he cannot provide for himself as well as the business, he won’t last long.  

The most important reason of all for being in business is so the owner can make a living. This means that he takes some of his earnings to acquire goods or services for his personal use. Every business in the country operates on the same principal.

“Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.”

Sunday, August 21, 2011

“I Need the Cash”

The most important reason to trade is to conserve your cash. Making sales is good but saving cash is better.

Every time you spend a trade dollar, you save a US dollar. Would you rather take a US dollar from your pocket to buy something or trade something you already have (and don’t need or can’t sell at full retail price) to acquire what you want?

Every time you barter, you send budgeted cash to the bottom line. It is pure profit.

If you have to budget $100 a week for groceries and someone gives you the groceries at no charge, you have just made $100. The new found money can be spent for anything you want or you can bank it for the future.

●The more you barter , the more cash you have.
●The more cash you need, the more you should barter.

Victoria is back!

Still a bit skeptical, Victoria gingerly issues $200 worth of certificates at $20 each and lists them on the Maine Trade Banc.

A return customer and trade exchange member comes in with his certificate and treats a friend to “a cool new Bistro” in town.  A short time later, this friend comes in with his wife. 
Victoria has just picked up two new cash customers.

Business is picking up and Victoria  feels like she made the right decision.  It’s time to make some purchases for her wine bar.  Why not check the Maine Trade Banc?

She finds beautiful stemware for her special wines.

To her surprise, she finds a printer for her new menus and announcements.

It’s time for a cash register.  By this time Victoria knows to check the trade exchange before buying anything.  After a brief search, she finds the perfect cash register and also notices a promotion for a free credit card processor.
Victoria has just put $1,200 cash in her pocket.